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Physical Education/Health » Rules and Procedures

Rules and Procedures

Willowcreek Middle School Physical Education Rules and Procedures

APE uniform is required each day of class. You cannot wear the clothesyou wear for school. Please put your name in the space provided on boththe t-shirt and shorts. Shirts must be tucked in. If you do not haveyour uniform, you will participate in an alternative, safe fitnessactivity. If you have lost your uniform, you must bring a different pairof shorts and t-shirt, along with a note from home stating that youruniform is missing.

2. TARDIES – You are expected to arrive on time to class and to your squad, unless you have a pass. The school’s tardy policy is in effect. Youare expected to tell your teacher when you are tardy to the lockerroom. Tardies to squad will result in loss of points from your dress outgrade. You are allowed 5 minutes at the beginning and 10 minutes at theend of class for changing clothes. 
3. PARTICIPATION EXCUSE: A parent note is needed if you are unable to participate in class. If you are unable to participate for more than two days, a doctor’s note is required.

Youwill be given a lock and locker to use for security. Do not give yourcombination to other students. Lost locks will result in a $5.00 fine.Personal locks are not permitted. Remain seated in your squads in the locker room until the bell rings.
Ø Stay off the benches
Ø No running or horseplay in the locker rooms
Ø No food or beverages in the locker rooms
Ø Use the restrooms before class – you will not be dismissed during class.Ø Do not share lockers
Ø Keep personal belongings locked during class, and when you leave.Ø Keep your hands to yourself, and off other peoples’ belongings.Ø Cameras or cell phones are not to be used in the locker rooms at any time. School policies apply.
Ø Be dressed and ready to go when the teacher sends you to the gymØ Keep locks locked at all times

Ø No gum during class
Ø No jewelry is to be worn during classØ Be tolerant of othersØ No bullying during class or in the locker roomsØ Good sportsmanship is expected at all timesØ Use appropriate languageØ No whining

Ø Best behavior needed for substitute teachers

6. GRADING - Categories to be included in your final grade are: participation (50%), dressing out (15%), and assessments (35%) Assessments include written and/or skills tests. Study guides will be provided before written tests. Point deductions for the dressing out grade are as follows: -1 point – absent, gum, jewelry, tardy, parental excuse
-3 to 5 points – disrupting class, unexcused absence from school
-10 points (loss of 1 letter grade) – not dressing out

Permissionslips will be sent home for certain PE activities. If they are notreturned with appropriate fees by the deadline on the slip, studentswill not be permitted to participate in those activities. Pre-planningof the activities will not allow deadline extensions. Missing theseactivities will not adversely affect a student’s grade.