Students are asked to follow the citation guidelines based on Modern Language Association recommendations. Examples are given below. Refer to MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers by Joseph Gibaldi found in the Reference section of the Media Center for more information. |
BOOK Authors name (Last name, First name). Book title in italics. City of publication: Publisher, Date of publication. Helgerson, Joel. Nuclear Accidents. New York: Franklin Watts, 1988.
ENCYCLOPEDIA Authors name (Last name, First name). Article title. Encyclopedia title in italics,Date of publication. Ballard, Stanley S. "Polarized Light." Encyclopedia Americana, 1998.
MAGAZINE Authors name (Last name, First name). Article title. Magazine title in italics. Complete date: Page(s). Stein, Joel. "Living Through Better Cooking." Time. 23 Aug. 2004: 64.
NEWSPAPER Authors name (Last name, First name). Article title. Newspaper title in italics. Date of publication: Section and page. Jones, Tom. "Life Savers Takes Business to Canada Over Sugar Costs." Chicago Tribune. 30 Jan. 2002: A1.
Author's name (Last name, First name). "Title of article." Title of Source in
italics Volume number, (year of publication): Appropriate identifying numbers.
Horton, Kristina. "Do-it-yourself Illegal Drug Labs in Rise, Prove Deadly." Torrance
Daily Breeze 1 Feb. 1987. NewsBank: Law and Legal Systems, (1987) fiche 7,
grid D6-8.
SIRS O'Neill, Ann W. "A Radical Change in Lifestyle." Los Angeles Times, 11 January 2000, A1+. Reproduced in SIRS Researcher CD-ROM, SIRS Mandarin. Spring 2001. |
INTERNET Author's name (Last name, First name). "Title of document." Information about
printpublication. Information about electronic publication. Date of access and
ONLINE ENCYCLOPEDIA Encyclopedia Britannica Online. 2002. Encyclopedia Britannica. 15 May 2002 |
ONLINE PERIODICAL Author's name. "Title of work." Title of periodical in italics. Volume number. issue number (Date of publication): Page range. Date of access and URL. DePasquale, Ron. "Politics: Native Power." Newsweek. 144.10 (2004): 12. 6 September |
WEBSITE Title of site in italics. Date of publication or latest update. Name of sponsoring institution. Date of access and URL. History 2002 History Channel. 14 May 2002 <>. |